
Temporary dialysis for foreigners

Akiyama Clinic accepts temporary dialysis for those who come to Kagawa for travel, business trips, etc.
Akiyama Clinic is about 10 minutes by car from Takamatsu Airport. And it is about 30 minutes by car from Takamatsu Station.
Around the Akiyama Clinic, there is a calm rural landscape.

459-5,Ohno,Kagawa-cho,Takamatsu-shi,Kagawa,761-1701 JAPAN

【Flow of temporary dialysis reception】

Please print out the downloaded “Temporary Dialysis Request Form” and fill it out with the doctor or medical staff of the hospital you are currently using.

Please send the PDF of the request form to the following e-mail address.

If it is difficult to attach a PDF, you can fax it.  In that case, please include your contact information.

E-mail info@akiyama-clinic.com

Fax +81878158688

If you have any questions, please send an email.

We hope that it will be a comfortable stay for dialysis patients.